Word Ke Pdf
Untuk versi Microsoft Word diatas 2010 hanya terdapat perbedaan sedikit, karena dalam versi yang terbaru dari Microsoft Word akan langsung menyediakan Save as to yang mana dalam opsi tersbeut akan menyediakan pilihan untuk melakukan penyimpanan ke PDF. Start your free trial of Adobe Acrobat DC, the most trusted Word to PDF converter. It lets you convert Word, Excel, or PowerPoint (PPT) docs to PDF easily.
Word Ke Pdf Secara Online
To edit a PDF, simply open it in Word. This works best with PDFs that are mostly text.
Word Ke Pdf Offline
Go to File > Open.
Find the PDF, and open it (you might have to select Browse and find the PDF in a folder).
Word tells you that it's going to make a copy of the PDF and convert its contents into a format that Word can display. The original PDF won't be changed at all. Select OK.
Note: The converted document might not have a perfect page-to-page correspondence with the original. For example, lines and pages may break at different locations.